Like the natural (pure) minor scale, the harmonic minor scale starts on the sixth degree of its relative major scale.
Learn how to build/play scales with Piano For All lessons. It can be clearly seen that this scale makes use of the same notes of the relative major scale except for the arrangement of the whole steps and half steps. In a natural (pure) minor scale the half steps occur between 2-3 and 5-6. W-H-W-W-H-W-WĪs an example, let’s take a look at the A natural minor scale. The formula for building a natural minor scale is whole step – half step – whole step – whole step – half step – whole step – whole step. It ascends or descends for one octave using the signature of the major scale. This scale starts on the sixth degree of its relative major scale. How to Form a Natural or Pure Minor Scale Let’s learn how to build these piano scales. They are the pure or natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale and the melodic minor scale. The difference between the major and minor scales is the pattern of the whole steps and half steps. In this case, the minor and major scales have the same number of tones. C and A minor have the same key signature. For instance, the sixth tone in the C major scale is A, therefore the relative minor of C is A minor. The relative minor scale is built upon the sixth tone of the major scale. Notes of the C Major Scale: How to Form Minor Piano ScalesĮach major key has its relative minor key. To learn more about scales, check out my course, Learn Scales & Music Theory & Give Yourself An Upper Hand. In any major scale, there must be a whole step between the 6th and 7th tones of the scale so E had to be followed by a whole step, bringing us to F sharp. What if we were in the key of G? The notes of the G major scale are G A B C D E F Sharp. The formula for forming major scales no matter the key is whole step – whole step – 1/2 step – whole step – whole step – whole step – half step. Let’s say you’re in the key of C, the notes of the C major scale are C D E F G A B C.

How do you construct a major scale? Simply start with the name of the scale (also known as the root), followed by a whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. It is arranged in a pattern of whole steps and half steps. How to Form a Major ScaleĪ major scale consists of eight notes. There are two types of diatonic scales – major and minor scales. The eighth note is a duplicate of the first.
Go here to get it at a discounted price.Ī diatonic scale is a series of eight successive notes that are arranged in a systematic relationship of whole steps and half steps. My new book, Piano Scales Made Simple, will help you with your scales. Examples of whole steps are the distance between C and D, D and E, E and F sharp, and B flat and C. This interval is often called a whole tone. What is a whole step? It is two adjacent half steps. So is the distance between D and D sharp, E and F, and B and C. For example the distance between C and C sharp on your piano keyboard is a semitone. This interval is often called a semitone.

What is a half step? It is the distance from one pitch to the next nearest pitch either up or down. Then we learn how to form chromatic, pentatonic and blues scales and more.įirst of all, we need to understand what are half steps and whole steps.

Minor scales include natural or pure minor scales, harmonic minor scales and melodic minor scales. We will first of all learn how to build major scales and minor scales. Even Tchaikovsky composed by such a method.We shall look at various kinds of scales in this section. If you want to emphasize the feeling of the each scale, It is also important to cosider a timing of having the people listen to many scale notes. Of course, the others are chords of the Natural minor scale. Let's listen to the sample song using three minor scales.į# is the note of the Melodic minor scale, and G# is the note of the Harmonic minor scale. Harmony Example using three minor scales. I have prepared a good example for the minor chords including the Natural minor scale, the Harmonic minor scale, and the Melodic minor scale. Seventh Chord in A the Melodic Minor Scaleīack to the top of the page Chords example for the minor scales Melodic minor scale has the following triads and 7th chords. Whole step interval apears 4 times in a row.īack to the top of the page Triads and Seventh Chords And this Melodic minor scale was created by raising 6th to make the sound more clear. In case of the Harmonic minor scale, Whole-and-a half step interval was created by making a leading-tone. The 6th and 7th notes are different from those of the Natural minor scale.